Hace más de 3 millones de años, cuando todavía no había aparecido el ser humano y no existían las herramientas elaboradas, los prehomínidos empleaban objetos que encontraban en el entorno para cubrir algunas de sus necesidades. Se trataba de una técnica propiamente animal, sin capacidad de innovación y ligada a los genes.
Durante la era pretecnológica las herramientas utilizadas eran simples piedras o dientes que, debido a su forma, eran adecuadas para cortar, rasgas o defenderse. En la historia de la vida en la tierra esta etapa duró más de 3400 millones de años.
Exposición TecnoRevolución: la era de las tecnologías convergentes.
Espacio telefónica, del 31 de enero al 11 de mayo del 2014.
More than three million years ago, when human beings had not yet appeared and elaborated tools did not exist, prehominids used objects encountered in their surroundings to meet some of their needs. It was a purely animal technique, lacking a capacity for innovation and tied to genes.
During the pre-technological age, the tools used were simple stones or teeth which on account of their shape, were appropriate for cutting, tearing o defending oneself. In the history of life on Earth, this period lasted more than 3400 million years.
Exhibition: TecnoRevolución: converging technologies age
Above: a defense of african elephant and two claws of megatherium.
Below, from left to right: Roe deer skull, chamois skull, leopard skull, coypu skull, loggerhead turtle skull, griffon vulture skull and military macaw skull.
Durante la era pretecnológica las herramientas utilizadas eran simples piedras o dientes que, debido a su forma, eran adecuadas para cortar, rasgas o defenderse. En la historia de la vida en la tierra esta etapa duró más de 3400 millones de años.
Exposición TecnoRevolución: la era de las tecnologías convergentes.
Espacio telefónica, del 31 de enero al 11 de mayo del 2014.
More than three million years ago, when human beings had not yet appeared and elaborated tools did not exist, prehominids used objects encountered in their surroundings to meet some of their needs. It was a purely animal technique, lacking a capacity for innovation and tied to genes.
During the pre-technological age, the tools used were simple stones or teeth which on account of their shape, were appropriate for cutting, tearing o defending oneself. In the history of life on Earth, this period lasted more than 3400 million years.
Exhibition: TecnoRevolución: converging technologies age
Above: a defense of african elephant and two claws of megatherium.
Below, from left to right: Roe deer skull, chamois skull, leopard skull, coypu skull, loggerhead turtle skull, griffon vulture skull and military macaw skull.
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